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Garbage Pickup Gone Wrong: How the City of Berkeley is "cleaning" curbside communities

The footage shown here was collected by Copwatchers over the last six months and shows only a small portion of what we've witnessed and documented.

How to Get Involved:

1. Tell your City Council Member: Measure P funds should be used to get people housed. It’s not a radical notion - and in the long run, it could save the City millions. Not sure who you council member is? Use the District Locator on the City of Berkeley website.

2. Want to know how to document and support when this is happening to your unhoused neighbors? Volunteer with Berkeley Copwatch or one of the amazing groups in Berkeley providing direct support and relief to those on the streets (check out the Berkeley Outreach Coalition!)

3. Get informed! Follow the court cases happening throughout California, as housing advocates and unhoused residents stand against state agencies like CalTrans and local governments, arguing for housing as a basic human right. And read up on other local housing justice struggles like Oakland-based group Moms4Housing and Berkeley’s own Lorin District.

4. Organize a community clean up in your neighborhood! Gather with your neighbors in solidarity on a weekend to pick up trash on the streets.

5. Donate cleaning supplies and trash cans to curbside communities. Often, unhoused communities do not have access to these resources which are helpful to keep a neighborhood clean.

Find Friends on Wheels online:

Instagram & Facebook: @vehicledwellersofthebay


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