Nov 20, 2011 from Occupied Palestine:
The shocking video shows the excessive force used by SCAF in Cairo to “disperse riots”
[To see the video go to the link below. – Berkeley Copwatch]
Article 14 of the UN Basic Principles provides:
“In the dispersal of violent assemblies, law enforcement officials may use firearms only when less dangerous means are not practicable and only to the minimum extent necessary.”
In just 2 days,SCAF caused over 1000 wounded and 11 death. This is by no means – as the video shows too – minimum extent of law enforcement but plain torture, violence and deliberate manslaughter.
Urgent request to call the Egyptian Embassy or representatives in your country and demand an end to the violence. A list of all Egyptian Embassies can be found here. Please share this request to amplify the emergency call.