Sep 19, 2011
Short Update (9/14/11) from Martin Cotton Trial in Oakland: Eureka Cops Beat Him To Death
by Redwood Curtain CopWatch Thursday Sep 15th, 2011 11:13 PM Currently, the civil rights trial about the August 9, 2007 police murder of...
May 4, 2011
Sit-Lie Ordinance Protesters March to Council Meeting
From Adelyn Baxter, Daily Cal April 27, 2011 “What’s happening is corporate real estate interests are initiating the proposal and trying...
Apr 15, 2011
Resist the Anti-Sitting Law in Berkeley: Get involved, sign the petition, join the coalition.
Yet again, the forces of reaction and ignorance in Berkeley have gathered their forces and are trying to make the simple act of sitting...
Apr 3, 2011
Quick Action Needed to Stop Proposed Berkeley Anti-Sit Ordinance (Commentary)
“The City of Berkeley Chamber of Commerce will be considering whether to push forward as the leader in this fight at its meeting on...
Apr 1, 2011
Sit/Lie Citations Begin in San Francisco
This article focuses attention on sit/lie citations in the upper Haight and explains how cops are “bundling together” disorderly conduct,...
Mar 23, 2011
An Examination of the Proposed Sit-Lie Ordinance [for Berkeley]
From the Committee on Government Affairs, Berkeley Chamber of Commerce: Tuesday March 22, 2011 “The San Francisco ordinance has sparked...
Mar 2, 2010
In San Francisco — Business > People
From the Chronicle: “It could soon be illegal to sit or lie on public sidewalks anywhere in San Francisco, a law Mayor Gavin Newsom says...