Jan 30, 2017
Shutdown SFO! Free all detained immigrants now!
"With SF still detaining Arab and Muslim immigrants, we must come out harder and stronger to show that we will not stand down until...

Jan 30, 2017
Call to Action: Protest at SFO!
Last night hundreds, most likely thousands of people came out to San Francisco Airport to protest the ban on Muslims entering US. Here...
Jul 6, 2012
Armored Truck Order has been Cancelled!
Solid investigative work and public pressure kept this phase of police militarization at bay! University of California Berkeley has...
Mar 15, 2012
First Steps Victory in SF: Coalition for a Safe San Francisco Takes on JTTFs and Racial Profiling
Coalition for a Safe San Francisco For Immediate Release: San Francisco, March 13, 2012 Ordinance to Prevent SFPD-FBI Abuse Passes Board...
Mar 6, 2012
And to Complement NDAA, We Have the Anti-Trespassing Bill…
On February 27, 2012, H.R. 347 passed by an overwhelming 388 to 3 vote in the House. According to this bill, it will be a federal offense...
Feb 13, 2012
State’s Division of Homeland Security to Coordinate Jamboree
Jamboree serves as recruiting tool for military, which will set up displays and equipment during event. 11 Feb 2012 Another milestone in...
Oct 26, 2011
Racial Profiling on an “Industrial Scale”: FBI Using Census Data to Map and Police Communities by Ra
The ACLU uncovers an FBI program that pairs Census data with “crude stereotypes” to map ethnic communities. October 24, 2011 / This story...
Sep 19, 2011
The Advent of the Surveillance Society
Thursday 8 September 2011 by: Nancy Murray and Kade Crockford, Truthout and ACLU Massachusetts | Special Feature...
May 19, 2011
Secret FBI Documents Reveal Attack on Democratic Rights of Anti-War and International Solidarity Act
May 18, 2011 Statement from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression: In the documents, the “Operations order” for FBI SWAT for “Operation...
May 19, 2011
SFPD and the FBI are Collaborating in a “Joint Terrorism Task Force”
In a Sanctuary City, we can’t let our police act like FBI agents. Let’s make sure they play by the rules! Tonight!! A Joint San...