Aug 25, 2016
Only 8% of Berkeley Residents are Black
Black people also made up 57% of traffic-stop searches in Berkeley in 2015. Being black is not a crime!
Aug 19, 2016
Court Support! Justice 4 Kayla Moore
Justice for Kayla Moore! #SayHerName It's past time for police to stop being the first responders for folks experiencing mental health...

Aug 19, 2016
Berkeley Cops Conduct a Raid with NO Identifying Name or Badge Number
Berkeley Cops at a raid in south berkeley on 8/17/16. Several BPD officers have no identifying name or badge number. This violates state...
Aug 16, 2016
Pack the Court on October 17! Justice 4 Kayla Moore
**Important news! Please share in your circles!** The Moore family's court date is October 17. Mark your calendars for court support!...
Aug 10, 2016
Standing at the Intersection: Wars Abroad and Struggles for Justice Here at Home
This Sunday, Maria Moore will speak on a panel at the Veterans For Peace National Convention about the fight for justice for her sister...
Jul 21, 2016
Berkeley City Hall Sit In
If you can lend support, please do! Berkeley Copwatch is also calling for the redirection of 35% of the police budget in Berkeley because...
Jul 20, 2016
City Council to Discuss Body Cameras for BPD
The Berkeley Police Department will soon get body cameras. The policy on how the cameras will be used will be discussed by City Council...
Jul 16, 2016
Rally for Police Reform - Strengthen the Police Review Commission to Hold BPD Accountable
From the event page: On Tuesday, the Berkeley City Council will vote on a ballot measure to reform and strengthen the Police Review...
Jul 12, 2016
Justice 4 Kayla: Art-Making Party
THIS SATURDAY: Come lend a hand making art (posters, banners, internet art, etc.) to use in actions this summer and fall to call for...

Jul 4, 2016
Police Destroy a Homeless Rights Protest in Berkeley
This is Berkeley Police HARASSING homeless people in Berkeley and denying them First Amendment protections.