Jul 20, 2016
City Council to Discuss Body Cameras for BPD
The Berkeley Police Department will soon get body cameras. The policy on how the cameras will be used will be discussed by City Council...
Jul 16, 2016
Rally for Police Reform - Strengthen the Police Review Commission to Hold BPD Accountable
From the event page: On Tuesday, the Berkeley City Council will vote on a ballot measure to reform and strengthen the Police Review...
Jul 12, 2016
Justice 4 Kayla: Art-Making Party
THIS SATURDAY: Come lend a hand making art (posters, banners, internet art, etc.) to use in actions this summer and fall to call for...

Jul 4, 2016
Police Destroy a Homeless Rights Protest in Berkeley
This is Berkeley Police HARASSING homeless people in Berkeley and denying them First Amendment protections.
May 27, 2015
December 2014 Protests – Where’s the Accountability?
Chief Meehan & the December 2014 Berkeley Protests Still No Explanation from The Chief After Nearly 6 Months Early in December of 2014,...
Dec 18, 2014
Copwatch Reportback from the Berkeley Protest 12-7-2014
Copwatch Reportback from the Berkeley Protest 12-7-2014 (by Andrea Prichett for Berkeley Copwatch) I was in the streets from 10:30 pm...
May 12, 2014
Berkeley Police Arrests Students for Jaywalking, Assaults Copwatcher
Analysis of the BPD “Jaywalking” Video CHECK IT OUT HERE: Berkeley Police Department Brutality for “Jaywalking” #myberkeleyPD Context:...
Apr 21, 2014
Tasers are No Magic Bullet
After each mishap or tragedy that occurs these days in Berkeley, we are told that it could have been averted “if only” the police had...
Apr 21, 2014
Tell Berkeley Councilmembers that You Say NO to Tasers!
We really need you to tell these city councilmembers that you DONT want BPD to have tasers! Linda Maio (510) 981-7110...
Mar 31, 2014
Berkeley Copwatch Has a Police Scanner!
Hey so we finally got ourselves a fancy new police scanner over at Berkeley Copwatch! Although we haven’t yet connected it to a computer...